Wednesday, February 18, 2009

8 Ways to Boost Your Business Using the Internet

By Connie Cantillo

Did you know that one of the most powerful business boosters is the internet, whether you have an online or offline business? Well, it is. It is a proven fact that if you market your business strategically on the internet, your business will boost. But just having a website is not enough. Strategically implementing several online marketing methods will provide you the exposure you need before your target marketing allowing them to get to know, like and trust you. And you know that when someone knows, likes and trusts you, they will have no problem buying from you and recommending your products or services.

1. Search Engine Marketing:
When in the process of designing and creating content for your website, it is vital that you keep in mind 3 important components of Search Engine Marketing:
· SEO (search engine optimization): Write your ads and content so search engines and humans find your site. Using the appropriate keywords or key phrases, optimizes your site allowing crawlers to find what humans are looking for.
· Pay Per Click: With appropriate keywords and content you can easily place ads via this option which drives traffic to your website or blog site.
· Link-building attracts high quality websites and/or blog sites to link to your website or blog site. This process improves your search rankings and listings.

2. Viral Marketing:
Creating credibility and belief among your followers will instinctively lead to referrals. Remember the old saying “Happy customers bring more customers?” Using periodic and strategic e-mail campaigns, newsletters or e-zines, maintain your presence and increase your exposure which ultimately convert in sales when you present them with a new product. Other means of viral marketing are publishing podcasts, videos, participating in networks, publishing press releases, etc.

3. Affiliate Marketing:
This is a mutual beneficial partnership that creates exposure and passive income. Partnering up with online businesses that are willing to promote your products and services and you promote theirs creates an ongoing revenue-sharing, commission-based relationship.

4. Blogging & Social Marketing:
Business blogging and Social Media Marketing are one of the fastest growing trends in online marketing today. There is nothing like keeping in touch. Allowing others to comment on your blogs and commenting on others increases your exposure and creates credibility. And Social Marketing is in full blast. Participating in forums, Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, etc. once again creates exposure, credibility and referrals.

5. Mobile Marketing:
Staying connected with your target marketing through different mobile devices such as cell phones, PDA’s and iPods allows you to keep up with them and learn what their needs and wants are. You can immediately resolve them creating that so much wanted exposure and credibility.

6. Online Lead Generation:
Your business is not your website or store. Your business is your customers, whether online or offline. Without them you do not have a business. Therefore, when marketing online you need to have a list that allows you to communicate with them at their request. That means that your website or blog site should include an “opt in” page which allows your visitors to sign up and become part of your list.

7. RSS:
A powerful web based tool known as RSS (Real Simple Syndication) allows your list to receive immediate updates of your website, videos, content, blogs, forums, etc. through an RSS feed.

8. Email Marketing:
Given that spam filters are now so sophisticated, e-mailing is still a very powerful communication tool. Providing your visitors the opportunity to subscribe to your e-mails gives you automatic permission to include them in your e-mail campaigns and newsletters through which you will send them informative solutions, and offers of products or services.

© 2009 Connie, The Executive Virtual Assistant

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